Colorado Springs, CO

Computer Glasses

If you spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, you may have noticed your eyes feeling tired, strained, or even blurry. This is a common problem, especially since we’re spending more time than ever looking at screens.

Computer Glasses Can Help Relieve Eye Strain

If you spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, you may have noticed your eyes feeling tired, strained, or even blurry. This is a common problem, especially since we’re spending more time than ever looking at screens. But there’s no need to suffer—computer glasses can help relieve eye strain and keep your vision sharp. Here’s how they work.

How Computer Glasses Work

Computer glasses are designed to filter out blue light, which is the type of light emitted by screens. Blue light is harmful to the eyes because it scatters more easily than other colors and can cause digital eye strain. By filtering out blue light, computer glasses help reduce eye fatigue and strain. They also help prevent long-term damage to the eyes by reducing exposure to blue light over time.

In addition to filtering out blue light, computer glasses also usually have a slight magnification to help you see the screen more clearly. This can be especially helpful if you find yourself squinting or straining to see the screen.

What are the Benefits of Computer Glasses?

Computer glasses protect the eyes from harmful blue light, help you maintain higher energy levels throughout the day, reduce digital eye strain symptoms such as irritated eyes, dry eyes, headache, and neck and shoulder pain, and enable you to work without discomfort.

Who Can Benefit from Computer Glasses?

If you spend more than two hours a day looking at a computer screen, you can benefit from wearing computer glasses.

This includes people who work at desks, students who use computers for schoolwork, and anyone who frequently uses a tablet or smartphone.

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Teenagers and college students may find themselves working at a computer later in the evening or during the night and may find the blue light from the screen is disruptive for healthy sleep. Teenagers are more sensitive to blue light than adults are. While there’s no replacement for putting devices away well before bedtime, as many teenagers and college students do schoolwork at night, computer glasses may help by blocking blue light.

If you’re looking for a way to relieve digital eye strain, computer glasses may be the answer. By filtering out blue light and providing a slight magnification, they can help reduce symptoms of eye fatigue and keep your vision sharp. So, if you spend a lot of time staring at screens, ask us about computer glasses.